Sorry for the late post!
As most of you know. Injection #2, back in June, did not work.
We were hopeful this time, when you watch the success videos, after the Injection the patient is droopy on the Injection side. When I walked into the room to get mine and I looked at Jeramy, he was droopy (we neither one were droopy on Injection 1)! We were excited! And then... NOTHING!
That Saturday evening we discussed our options and plan of action. Options are: 1. Another Injection 2. A chiropractor in town is doing hyperbaric chamber to reset the Ole factory. 3. A chiropractor in town is doing Electramagnetic Stimulation of the Ole factory. All of which cost money and non of which are guaranteed. Option 4 is to fly to Bryan TX and get the Injection by the Dr Gaskin of Republic Pain Center, he has an 85% success rate. But also costs money and we would not be able to get in for months. Our plan made on Saturday night was to pray, PRAY HARD! Give God time, be patient and allow him to heal us in his time.
That Sunday Morning, when we arrived at church, we made small talk with one of the pastors, emphasized how very disappointed we were. During service, the pastor came back and asked if they could pray with us. Jeramy and I went to the front, the pastor annointed us both and prayed a healing prayer. Others in church laid hands on us and prayed as well. It was beautiful.
We have faith, God will heal us. His time of healing hasn't come yet. But, I assure you, I will let you all know updates as we have them.
We would appreciate all of your continued prayers as well. We've got this!
3 months later and Jeramy and I still have distorted taste and smell. We are officially 21 months into this. We are still praying that God will heal us in his time.